Am I A Candidate for Dental Implants

Am I A Candidate for Dental Implants?

The need for artificial tooth replacement is a necessity and dental implants are a wonderful option for individuals who are missing one or more natural teeth. They have been around for decades, but they continue to grow in popularity due to their resemblance to a real tooth, both aesthetically and functionally. 

Most patients will find that they are candidates for dental implants, but this treatment is not the ideal solution for everyone. 

This article explores what candidates for dental implants have in common. 

A Candidate for Dental Implants Will Have Good Oral Health

Good oral health is very important when getting dental implants since opening a mouth up for oral surgery when it is full of decay or bacteria can be very risky. Thankfully, if you do have some trouble areas with your teeth and gums, addressing them before getting dental implants can allow you to be a candidate.

The goal is to make sure that you work with your dentist to address any areas of concern so that you have the best opportunity for successful implants. 

A Candidate for Dental Implants Will Have Good Bone Density

The density of your jawbone will play a significant role in getting dental implants. When the titanium post is implanted into the jaw, it needs to fuse with the bone to create a strong anchor for your artificial tooth. Unfortunately, without enough bone density, this won’t be able to happen. 

There are several reasons that individuals face jawbone loss. However, regardless of the reason, bone grafting can help to rebuild the bone so that it may securely hold the implant in place. 

Keep in mind that bone grafting will require additional time as it takes a minimum of four months to heal before you can move on. 

A Candidate for Dental Implants Will Have Patience For the Process

Finally, a candidate for dental implants will need to have an understanding that the process is not quick. For instance, you will first have your consultation to determine whether you are a candidate before the next steps are scheduled. If bone grafting is necessary, this will take place first before the post is implanted. 

Next, the implant will need at least a couple of months to fuse with the jawbone before the abutment and the custom dental crown can be attached. 

In all, expect the process for dental implants to take up to six months — or longer. If you are patient with the process, you will reap the benefits later. 

Other Criteria for Dental Implant Candidates

A few other things that should be taken into consideration when determining if someone is or is not a candidate for dental implants are: 

  • Good oral hygiene to maintain your oral health
  • Good overall health
  • No use of tobacco, including smoking or chewing

Remember, most people will qualify as a candidate for dental implants as long as they prioritize their treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants 

Will dental insurance cover the cost of dental implants?

Whether or not your insurance will cover the cost of dental implants depends on your policy. If it does, it will usually cover a percentage. 

Are dentures cheaper than dental implants? 

Dentures often appear to be cheaper than dental implants. However, they are not designed to last as long which means they will require more frequent replacement — and this cost will add up over time. 

Find Out if You Are a Candidate for Dental Implants

If you want to discover how dental implants can transform your life, find out if you are a candidate from the specialists at Periodontal Associates.

Contact us today at one of our two convenient locations to schedule your consultation. 

Framingham Office 508-875-6185

Newtown Office 617-964-6185